Wednesday, December 09, 2009

In search of a context

'In search of a context' is essentially about the relation of art to its setting of time, place, social and historical moorings..." went the beautiful invite to the latest exhibition of CIMA Gallery, Kolkata . 17 artists have recontexurised some selected artworks.

I usually avoid openings and pick up a quiet moment to visit art galleries - the crush of beautiful folks dressed in their glad rags obscure the art works usually by conversing loudly right in front of them! Today, I made an exception. The beautiful people were well behaved. Interesting art - all media, paintings, sculpture, video and installation art. I met one of my most favorite artists - Shakila and spoke to both her and her husband.

But the highlight of the evening undoubtedly was a performance art all for me! A tall young American dressed all in shiny black and a mass of carefully careless curls walked up to a small note on the wall which was coincidentally pinned just above a garbage bin now full by empty tea khullars, dumped there by the visitors! He kept reading the note and glancing down at the bin! All the while the art accompanying the note was playing on an adjacent wall! It was a video on war!! No doubt he was trying to connect the recontexturising!

It was SO Funny. I had to share it with some one. And I did. With one of the attendants - in grey T-shirt and black pants. And soon, three others came up and we all had a hearty laugh! Now that was recontexturising!


Swati said...

I hope somebody clarified to the guy...he'd go back very confused!!

Sukanya C said...

the note was very lucid and in english. And yet, if he wanted to concentrate on the bin...I think we should let him, be :-)

Lakshmi said...

lol..thanks for dropping by at backpacker..just going thro yr posts

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