Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy day Magic

Rainy day. Somehow, for me, the term is synoymous with a near empty school. The students who braved the elements and turned up would be at the receiving end of a tongue lashing from teacher. But there would be a chapa excitement...a sort of infectitious holiday mood and after a while, a rainy day would be declared and school would close early.

And even now, rainy day ... when it just doesnt rain, but so much so that office is near empty, feels cosy and fun. I can't explain why. It just does. Skies still grey and over cast. Only 15 of us turned up (which is less than half). And no sooner had I mentioned Khichuri, everyone swung into action...

Drawing up a shopping list, buying the ingredients, chopping, peeling, grating, roasting ....

And while the khichuri was being cooked, we ate our lunches - the ones we brought from home!

And then we all sat down to what was undoubtedly one of the best lunches in a while ... khichuri and begun bhaja.

Its the magic of rainy day at work, at work!

Shopping list - "phordo"

And finally!

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